Fund Overview


The Longview Advantage ETF is designed to provide investors with broad exposure to U.S. large-, mid-, and small-cap companies while prioritizing key drivers of expected returns. By overweighting securities with lower valuations and higher profitability ratios, the fund seeks to enhance long-term performance. It combines the benefits of traditional indexing (diversification, low turnover, and transparency) with an adaptive investment approach that leverages market price information to make informed decisions.

The fund aims to optimize returns while minimizing unnecessary risks and costs for investors, with a focus on efficient portfolio management and a disciplined trading process.


  • CUSIP75526L852
  • ExchangeNASDAQ
  • InceptionFeb 25, 2025

Fund Details
Fund Name Fund Ticker CUSIP Net Assets Shares Outstanding NAV NAV Change Dollars NAV Change Percentage Market Price Market Price Change Dollars Market Price Change Percentage Premium/Discount Percentage Rate Date Median 30 Day Spread Percentage
Longview Advantage ETF EBI 75526L852 421,698,550.64 8,996,830 46.87 -0.37 -0.77 46.93 -0.30 -0.63 0.12 03/11/2025 0.14
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Gross Expense Ratio
Net Expense Ratio***
* The Net Asset Value (NAV) of an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) represents the per-share value of the fund’s assets minus its liabilities over the total shares outstanding. NAV is typically calculated once per trading day, after market close, using the closing prices of the ETF’s underlying securities.
** 30-Day Median Bid/Ask Spread %: A calculation of the Fund’s median bid-ask spread, expressed as a percentage rounded to the nearest hundredth, computed by identifying the Fund’s national best bid and national best offer as of the end of each 10-second interval during each trading day of the last 30 calendar days; dividing the difference between each such bid and offer by the midpoint of the national best bid and national best offer; and identifying the median of those values.
*** The adviser has contractually agreed to limit its fees and/or reimburse expenses up to 12/31/2025.

Fund Holdings

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Holdings are subject to risk and change.
